All links from Quora are No-Follow, Quora does not pass any link juice, and same time No-Follow links do not have any impact on your SERP ranking. Quora links are used to raise more traffic to your website and to increase brand awareness.

Quora links gain more visibility and provide positive signs. People submit their website links on Quora to get more traffic and this link is followed by search engine crawling bots which are more valuable. Same-time links do not do much favor as a Do-Follow link.

But don’t stop building links on Quora, due to these reasons, really seeking everyone’s views raise engagement, and it brings real traffic from Quora to your website.

Now you will be thinking like, why do many people submit their website on Quora if it doesn’t have any value. Here I would like to explain the benefits of submitting links on Quora.

Benefits of Quora Links:

People choosing the Quora platform for the link-building process due to the reasons of

  • To drive more relevant traffic to their website via Quora
  • To increase the brand awareness for your business profile
  • To increase the awareness for their products and services
  • To increase the more visibility of their brands
  • To get high-quality traffic and leads for your website

You can directly answer any question related to your business and products

These things help to raise the popularity of your website.

Quora links

How to give links from Quora?

Check out the steps to place your website links on Quora for a Link- Building process.

Step 1: set- up your Quora Profile

To set up a new profile sign-up on Quora, by using your email address or Google account, give the mandatory profile needs, and write a short description about yourself.

Step 2: Follow all topics related to your Industry

Once your profile is verified, start finding a topic to follow and follow the topic on a suggestions list.

Step 3: Submit Questions and Answers

After getting started to follow your favorite topics, now you can start submitting questions and answers directly. Keep in mind, you should always give relevant answers to the questions to get an upvote.

Step 4: While answering add links

After answering, add possible links to your website in a more natural way. The links should be more natural and not like promoting.

Step 5: Follow more people in your niche

Follow more people who have the same interest or are in the same industry.